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Paediatric Dentistry

We provide specialist oral healthcare for children from 0 -16 years whose needs cannot be managed by their family dentist. This includes children and young people:

  • with extensive oral disease
  • whose oral health care is complicated by additional needs
  • with developmental disorders of the teeth and mouth
  • who are either too anxious or too young to accept routine dental treatment

We also support looked after children and those who have their healthcare organised through another organisation such as the local authority. This may include vulnerable children with special educational needs or a disability.

We work as part of a wider team that includes orthodontics, restorative dentistry, maxillofacial and oral surgery and oral medicine.

Children's Dental Leaflets

Click on the images/links below to view our dental leaflets.

Bumps and Breaks leaflet cover Early Removal of baby teeth Dental General Anaesthetic Service cover Hall crown cover
Hypodontia cover MIH Poor Prognosis Molars Local Anaesthetic cover
Supernumeracy cover Tooth Extraction aftercare cover Visiting the dentist cover  

Transition to Adult Services

If a young person needs ongoing specialist care into adulthood, they may be transitioned into other adult specialties such as special care dentistry or restorative dentistry. Transitions are carefully planned and co-ordinated well in advance.

Information for Professionals