Adult Dentistry
Our Adult Special Care Dentistry Service is for patients in Hull and East Riding who are over 16 years old and have needs that cannot be dealt with at their normal dental practice.
We can help patient who have:
- multiple learning disabilities
- a physical and/or communication impairment
- chronic mental health conditions including dementia
- complex medical conditions
- severe dental anxiety or dental phobia. Any patients with dental anxiety/phobia will initially be referred for a screening appointment with the emotional wellbeing service, NHS Talking Therapies.
- clinical obesity (bariatric patients).
We can also help patients who are homeless, asylum seekers, refugees, gypsies, travellers and sex workers, those with drug or alcohol addiction problems or those living in secure units.
Most patients will be discharged after a single course of treatment, but some may stay as patients of the specialist dental service for longer.
Most patients should continue to see their normal dentist for routine reviews whilst waiting for their referral.