Brush Bus
The Brush Bus programme is supervised tooth brushing activity which takes place every day in schools and nurseries across East Riding.
The Brush Bus programme is supervised tooth brushing activity which takes place every day in schools and nurseries across East Riding helping to reduce tooth decay in children.
The Brush Bus helps improve your children’s dental health by teaching them to brush their teeth and look after their mouths.
What happens when the Brush Bus visits?
• Teachers and classroom assistants will be there to supervise the children while they brush their teeth
• Each child will be given their own toothbrush which will be stored in the bus to keep it clean. A small amount of toothpaste will be issued to each child
• Children will brush with toothpaste containing fluoride
• Each term your child will be given a new toothbrush to use at Brush Bus time
• After brushing children will be encouraged to wipe excess toothpaste away rather than rinse as it protects their teeth more
Contact chcp.oralhealth@nhs.net for more information.